Personal and Commercial Use
All artwork commissioned as private client are personale use only, the client is free to use the artwork for non-commercial purposes.
Clients can print the artwork, show it online (credit is required when possible) and display it as they please.
Any sale or distribution of any type of material featuring or derived from said commission is not allowed.
I do not allow my work being edited or manipulated in any way. If a client desires to edit my work, they need to consult me first.
If you are interested in artworks for a commercial use (as publications) we can discuss it!
If you’re looking for an artist to design and illustrate the characters for you TTRPG, please contact me.

General Guidelines
For working on your character I'll need a physical description and the mood you'd like to communicate: if your character is always cheerful, gloomy, or grumpy...
A brief (1 page) form with all the required information about the character is enough. Please, avoid chaotic wall text!
Include also equip like weapons or other object that could be important for them.
Visual references, where available, are welcome.
If you already have some art of your character realized by other artists, they’ll be appreciated! NB I will never copy a character’s appareace, if the character doesn’t belong to the client.
Please name or number your ref image, so I will able to know for what they're there.
If you have preferences on pose, outfit, palette, etc. include them in the description. Any missing info is for me as having free rein.

  • OCs, Fanarts

  • Mild NSFW

  • Groups and Couples

  • Anthro and Folk (this means YES to animal-looking races as Tabaxi, Kitsune etc.)

  • Fantasy ridiculous armors like high heels, boobplates, bikini, MOBA inspired, etc. (I can make some exceptions, let's talk about it)

  • Mech stuff

  • Furry or Stylized Anthro (if you have any doubts, just ask)

Payment upfront, via Paypal invoce (I'll send you a pre-filled form at the email adress you provide).
I will never ask for or accept payments before I’m ready to start working on a commission.
I will not start working on a commission until the payment (or the first half) is complete.
I can allow partial payments only over €600+, no refunds.
The client can not cancel or demand a refund from the artist under any circumstances once the artwork has been started.
The only situation in which the client is allowed to cancel the commission, is if the payment hasn’t been sent yet.
Clients on waiting list can cancel their slot at any point without problem, just please notify me, so I can remove you from my list.
After payment, a sketch will be provided to the client. Then a more defined sketch/lineart and a flat colors version. After these steps, the finished result.
If there's something you do not like, you should tell me as soon as possible.
Changes are allowed until I'm on the sketch step (before render, b/w or lineart).
If you wanna change something in progress, I'll notice you about the price increase (if there's any) before make changes to the artwork.
Please DO NOT share the work in progress of the commission without my permission.If you need or want to give me a deadline, it will cost an extra directly proportional to the artwork price.
Without it, I may need some time to finish a commission. I could have other commitments and projects to work on, if it takes me a little more time to get it done, those are the reasons why.

Commissions Rates
At the moment, the only currency accepted from private clients is EUR.
All the prices are fees excluded: in the invoice I'll send you, will be added +5% on the total price for Paypal rate.
Every artwork is one of a kind, please NB rates could change and increase.
The final cost depends on the complexity and details of the singular character, as race, outfit, pets, add-ons, etc.
I can tell you the final rate after reading the character decription.
Rates could change in the future.

Digital Paint - Render
Fullbody €250 - Halfbody €200

Sketches commission could be avaiable occasionally, check my socials to stay updated!